Concentration, Visual Messages
John Berger said “Seeing comes before words” and I have a feeling that someone like Nietzsche would agree with him. It is intrinsic to...
'Kitchen' Inspired Visual Essay
Process Notes for “Kitchen” inspired visual essay I was never overly fond of recording processes. However, with the Kitchen inspired poem...

Good Touches and Bad Touches: What We Talk About When We Talk About Rape
In elementary school, once a year, an older woman in plain clothes would come to our school library, and she, the principal, and a...
Insurance Fraud & Kanye West: Capitalizing off Black Bodies When the 13th Amendment Isn’t Enough
Kanye West’s net worth amounts to around one hundred forty-five million dollars. One hundred and five million dollars were from concerts...
Multiple Choice
Read each selection carefully then answer the following question. A black church in Greenville, Mississippi, was set on fire on Tuesday...
The Transformations Suite and Black Empowerment in Music
Opening music of the second song on the album. The upright bass plays an ostinato that emulates a rocking boat as we listen to Jeremie...
Live Oak School: the place where the parents of my elementary and middle school peers paid $23,000 a year for them to attend. My dad had...
“Sidewalks saved my life They don't ever lie Sidewalks saved my life They showed me all the signs” (1) This excerpt from the song “...
How the Homophobes Changed My Mindset
When I was 12, it was 2008 and Prop 8 was causing a stir in California . I remember myself at 12, I was in 7th grade and heavily involved...