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Multiple Choice

Read each selection carefully then answer the following question.

  1. A black church in Greenville, Mississippi, was set on fire on Tuesday night. Fire fighters arrived to find Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church “heavily engulfed in flames,”

When did this occur?

a. 2016

b. 1963

2. “It is a tragic event,” Boutwell said. “It is just sickening that a few individuals could commit such a horrible atrocity. The occurrence of such a thing so gravely concerned the public….”

What year was this statement made?



3. “It’s not yet clear who set the fire, if anyone set it; whether the person who set the fire is the same person who wrote the graffiti; or why, if the fire was intentional, Hopewell M.B. was the target.

What year was this statement made?



4. “I see this as an attack on the black church and the black community.”

What year was this statement made?



5. The only stained glass window in the church that remained in its frame showed Christ leading a group of little children. The face of Christ was blown out

What year did this scenario being described happen?



6. “While the situation appears to be well under control of federal law enforcement officers at this time, the possibility of further trouble exists”

What year was this statement made?



Answer Key

1. A

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. B


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