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'Kitchen' Inspired Visual Essay


Process Notes for “Kitchen” inspired visual essay

I was never overly fond of recording processes. However, with the Kitchen inspired poem I attempted to configure tangents that could be drawn from exercises that the entire class was involved with. For example, the inclusion of a sidewalk. It was not intended to be the highlight of the piece but rather a small identifiable motif that allows for points of access across a class wide anthology. The imagery of the canine on a leash ties in directly with the content of the critical essay. I do acknowledge that through the very form (visual essay, usage of “Kitchen”) there are also more connections to be made. The aim was a piece that played with others, unison, tandem so on, so forth. As for the content of the dog piece, it does not read in a linear fashion. Pieces can be picked apart, whilst it may have been created with a lineage in mind, it doesn’t necessarily have to obey any rules. Some aspects are clear to see, some sentences get jumbled up in the form of a creature. Even this reminds of the process of reading from M. NourbeSe Philip’s book Zong!


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