The visual can be helpful
An image
Most of the time,
Has more
To say
It expresses
More than
The words
Can express
Offer more
The viewer
To identify
Points of
Or interest.
“Kitchen” creates a setting comprised of the words used to not only describe it, the kitchen, but also experiences had within it.
The experience inflates the piece, taking it out of its flattened state, turning it into a space of life and thus familiarity.
This is what makes it an engaging piece, because the inherent quotidian nature of a kitchen turns it into an element on which the reader can transpose their own life.
Juxtapositions additionally allow for challenges and similarities to be found by the eye.
The visual essays contained within John Berger’s “Ways of Seeing” exemplify this concept while also leaving room for the viewer to make their own connections and interpretations.
They may find similarities and differences where the creator perhaps didn’t.